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During pregnancy you have a great deal to do sometimes the changes can cause irritation or discomfort and sometimes you may be worried and concerned. There's rarely any need of alarm, you should mention anything that's worrying you to your Maternity team.  COMMON MATERNITY HEALTH CONDITIONS.  1 urinary tract infection 2 mental health conditions  3 high blood pressure  4 obesity  5 weight gain  MOST IRRITATING  1. CONSTIPATION IN PREGNANCY :  the hormonal change In your body may cause you to become constipated in very early pregnancy.  Preventive measures  Eat food that are high Fibre, such as whole meal, breads and cereal, fruit and vegetables in addition to pulses such as bean and lentils. 2. CRAMP IN PREGNANCY  cramp is a sudden and sharp pain usually in your lap and feet, it's most common at night, regular gentle exercise in pregnancy particularly ankle and leg movement will improve your circulation and may help prevent cramps...


Vagina is an elastic muscular canal with a soft, flexible lining that provides lubrication and sensation and its the female sex organ, and also a passage where baby pass during delivery. More over, it's a space where menstruation flow.  FACT ABOUT VAGINA  a healthy vagina is a happy, maintaining food vulva and vaginal health is easier than you think, as long as as you know what's going on there, how it looks, how it smells and also how it functions. There a few essential Vagina facts that person whether they have vagina or not need to know. Vagina is not an compassing term for everything that you may put in there. Instead, is a muscular hallow organ that extended from vaginal opening to the uterus, which allow passage of penis, baby and mucus membrane.  FIRST FACT:  you can't really lose something I'm your vagina like a tampon. Every one heard a myth that things go missing in there so the fact is If something is not absorbable it can be removed by a heath practitione...


 Family planning can be defined as the ability of couples to anticipate and attain their desired number of children and the spacing they need.           Also, family planning has been categories in to two different ways  1. Natural method  2. Artificial method   NATURAL METHOD  Is a form or birth control that's doesn't involve pills or device. As a result it doesn't have side effect, which give you the ability to,  1 track tour fertility which is when you're most likely to get pregnant which you can do that through following menstrual cycle diagram and knowledge.   as you can see it indicates your fertile days which is the moment you're likely to convince, so in that period the couple absent from sex. Until you reach their infertility moment and look for a way to satisfied each other.   2. Withdraw method.          ARTIFICIAL METHODS 1. Contraceptives method  2 . Implant...


 Many people are mistaking menopause and menarche, which make them very difficult to differentiate so now let discuss.  MENOPAUSE      A natural decline in reproductive hormone when a woman reaches her 40s or 50s. Menopause is signalled by 12months since last menstruation.     Usually menopause is self diagnosable with common symptoms such as: 1. hot flashes 2. Vaginal dryness  3. Vagina become shorter  4. Anxiety and depression  5. Sleep disturbance.       Menopause is a naturally process with that focus on symptomics relief. Vaginal dryness is treated with topical lubricant or estrogen. Also medication can reduce hot flashes severity and frequency effects e.g oral hormone therapy is used.  STAGES OF MENOPAUSE  1.perimenopause:  is the time leading up to menopause which you experience small and lighty changes.          2.   Menopause :  occur when you're stopped ...


Today we're going to talk about most women killer in Africa which is known as Breast cancer.        Its a cancer that forms in the cells of the Breast. Breast cancer can occur in women and rarely in men. Which its cause is Still unknown.          SYMPTOMS       1. new lump in the Breast or under arm(armpit)  2. Thickening or swelling of the Part of the Breast.  3. Irritation or dimpling of Breast skin.  4 . Redness  or  flaky skin in the nipple area or Breast.    5. Pulling in the nipple or pain in the nipple area.        Also, Breast cancer take about 2/3yrs before it can be notified, because the cancer has to divide 30 times before it can be felt. Even if it reaches 28th cell division, neither you nor your doctor can detect or felt it by hands, in most cancers. Each division take about 2 months, so by time you can feel a cancerous lump the cancer has Been in your bod...


Infertility is one of major problems womens suffer all around. So let's start to discuss by knowing the real definition      DEFINITION.  means not getting pregnant, despite having unprotected sex frequently. May be difficult to determine but may be due to inadequate levels of hormones in both male and female and trouble with Ovulation in woman.      CAUSES 1. Age.  2. Hormones inadequacy.  3. Abnormal menstrual cycle  4. Obesity  5. Being under weight.  6. Having low body  7. Endometriosis 8. Pelvic inflammatory disease      SYMPTOMS    1. Inability to get pregnancy      2.  menstrual cycle that's too long(35days) or shorter (less than21days).      3. No signs of ovulating        DIAGNOSIS  1.   self diagnosable(not having pregnancy over years)  2.  lab test  3.   Ultra scan for imaging of reproductive o...


Teenage pregnancy can be said as early pregnancy at age of 10 to 19 years aged, which is major health problem in Africa.      FACTOR CONTRIBUTING TO TEENAGE PREGNANCY  1. lack of parental care 2. Lack of formal and informal education  3.  Lack of sex education  4.  peer group pressure  5.  negative family interaction    WHY TEENAGE PREGNANCY IS A PROBLEM teenage pregnancy carry extra health risk to both mother and baby, often teens don't have parental care.   EFFECT TO THE BABY  1.  severe neonatal condition  2.  low birth weight  3.  premature birth   EFFECT TO THE MOTHER  1.  High risk of eclampsia 2.  high blood pressure  3.  puerperal endometriosis  4.  systemic injection more than more mothers at aged if 20/24years WHO IS AT RISK OF HAVING TEENAGE PREGNANCY  1.  Single parent home 2.  living in home with frequent family conf...