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 Family planning can be defined as the ability of couples to anticipate and attain their desired number of children and the spacing they need. 
         Also, family planning has been categories in to two different ways 

1. Natural method 

2. Artificial method

Is a form or birth control that's doesn't involve pills or device. As a result it doesn't have side effect, which give you the ability to, 
1 track tour fertility which is when you're most likely to get pregnant which you can do that through following menstrual cycle diagram and knowledge.  as you can see it indicates your fertile days which is the moment you're likely to convince, so in that period the couple absent from sex. Until you reach their infertility moment and look for a way to satisfied each other.
2. Withdraw method. 
1. Contraceptives method 

2 . Implant   or intra uterine device 

3. Hormonal contraception e.g pills or depo Provera injection 

4.barrier method e. g condom whether female or male condom. 

5.permanent contraception e.g vasectomy and tubal ligation 
1.short acting hormonal method e.g pills,vaginal rings etc all these prevent your ovaries from releasing eggs 

2. Barrier method e.g condom, cervical caps all these prevent sperm from getting to eggs. 
 contraceptive that are more than 99%
1.intra uterine device 
2.female permanent stertilisation
3. Make permanent stertilisation 
4. The natural menstrual cycle 

1. improve maternal health and child survival 
2. Reducing the number of abortion, especially unwanted pregnancy 

3. Preventing sexual transmitted infections including (HIV/AIDs) 

 to make sure that any couples who has a child has the available resources and meet every child need before giving birth to another. 

allow people to attain the their desired number of children they want to have and to determine their child spacing and timing. Which is only achieved through family planning 

1.bkeeding between menstrual period 


3.weight gain

4. Breast tenderness 

5.missed period 

6. Decrease libido

7.missed period 

8. Mood changes 

9. Headache

10. Lower abdominal cramps 
      But this side effects often occur in artificial methods, and every body witness different side effect.
Before you family plan consult a doctor, nurses, midwives to get you more knowledge about what system to used. 
Expect more @ 
Thank you. 


  1. Wowww
    Masha Allah this is an amazing article, you really tried and sorted it out clearly.
    I learn alot from this article.
    I wish you more knowledge, experience and understanding.

  2. Good work family planning is the best thing

  3. Mashaallah this topic really teach me alot about family planning. I am now convinced to take on this idea of planning my family. I will like to have more clearity about it. I will DM you pls

  4. Never mind abdul ,you can dm anytime u feel ,I'm forever at your health services


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