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Masturbation is a way of exploring your own sexual self and is a completely natural activity.


2  loneliness or neglect

low self-esteem

4  personal inadequacy

5 relationship problem

sexual fantasies

high sexual drive

8  drug

If we are talking about symptoms of masturbation in male there is many symptoms mainly when you masturbate frequently and in very short period of time .they can feel slight swelling of penis like edema. It cause physical injury or harm to genitals some males may experience chating or tender skin if they are too rough if you're addicted to masturbate

*  you're compelled to self esteem on a regular basis.

* it affects your daily routine.

* You crave rougher ,harder sex.

* It affects relationship with your partner

* It cause physical injury or harm to genitals.

* You're having difficulty in reaching orgams gradually.

* Easy access to porn

_ urge to find pleasure lead to quicker climax and they affect intamicy with the partner.

_ affect other daily activities. e.g  job, family and friends.

_ sore painful or swollen genitals.

_ trouble forming emotional bounding with others.

_ uncontrollable sexual thought, fantasies of feeling.


_ lack of attraction towards opposite sex.

_ sexual dysfunction.

_ isolating yourself from others which causes depression.

* Counseling with a sex therapist is highly beneficial.

* Sex addiction support group therapy.

* Indulging in other activities like cultivating a hobby sport.

* Socialism or interaction with others and it takes your mind off masturbation sometimes.

* Exercise

* Make Love without aiming at orgasm or sexual pleasure.


1. vaginal can actually become narrowed, which making intercouse and vaginal examination more painful.

2. High risk of infection.

3. Loosing of sexual interest.

4. Can lead to lesbianism.


* loss of physical energy.

* Loss of mental energy.

* Lead to mental disorder e.g obsessive obsessive disorder and lead to other severe mental retardation .

* Excessive genitals sore.

* Low sperm count ( in male) .

* Dhat syndrome.

* Nightfall.

* Rash.

* Redness of genitals.

* Social distance .
Myth on male
 They believe it can lead to infertility ,which is not false information.

Myth on female

they believe it can lead to stop ovulation,but it was false information.

  Note: basically because of religious and morals beliefs masturbation can lead to guilt,knowing it's an unsupported act by culture and the community in general.

1. Participating in volunteer program.

2. Engaging in sport.

3. Exploring creative talent such as art and writing.

4. Taking morning jogs.

5. Interacting with people.

6. Removing pornography material from home and computer.

7. Seeking counseling services.


  1. Thank you for sharing this important knowledge here.
    Allahuma bariq

  2. Very interested topic thank you for sharing this important knowledge for us tabarakallah Masha Allah

  3. It's indeed a very nice topic you guys talked about I was once an addict but I guess with time it's became like it wasn't though it was very hard to stop but thank GOD for his grace

  4. Allah ya tsare 🙏
    Thanks alot
    Allah ya qaro basira


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