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​these are harmful practices that are hazardous to the of individual on whom they are being practice some of the harmful traditional practice includes 


 This involves partial removal of clitoris and other organ of the vulva , it’s a group of traditional practice that involve partial or total removal of genital organs as for cultural and religious therapeutic reasons 

FGM is been categorized in to four

- type 1&2 : involve partial removal or total removal of clitoris only

-type 2&4 : involve total removal of the clitoris and other organs of the vulva which includes labia minors and majora also with part of the vagina orifice.

This have negative effect to the woman during labour it will lead to prolong labour, maternal and fetal distress, perineal tears also bilateral episiotomy has to be performed to alleviate suffering.

GISHIRI CUT(yankan gishiri) this also a harmful effect performed on female during labour given by traditional birth attendants , as to their view there are doing it as episiotomy not knowing this was have effect on causing fistula e.g vestico vaginal fistula and retro vaginal fistula also severe bleeding and infection may set in ,  in other to give episiotomy in midio lateral position they give it direct from the vulva down to rectum as seen below 


Marriage of a girl child under 18yrs. To a man who may be old enough to be her father, grand father or a little older than her. 


* to escape from unhappy home situation.

* poverty.

* pre marital sex abuse { unwanted pregnancy}

* prevention of promiscuity.

* resign for independence from parental control.    


- teenage pregnancy 

- anaemia or mal nutritional 

- eclampsia 

- obstructed labour/prolong labour 

- stress & depression 


- fetal loss 

- low birth weight mal nutritiona

- infant mortality 


Some community or ethnic group does not allow the young pregnancy or lactating mothers from eating certain type of foods because of 

* ignorance 

* fear 

* misconception 

* food taboos

Some certain group and ethnic prevent pregnant woman from eating some nutritional food with believe it has negative effect this misconception includes:

1 some groups prevent pregnant woman from eating egg they believe the child can become in future 

 2 some fish 

3 some okro with there negative and belief 

 Some effects also include 

- traditional method of food sharing 

- method of food preparation 



 *Mal nutritional  to pregnant women, lactating mother child.

* anaemia is there by increasing maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity.


this is a process or practice in which family show male prepare than female , and give them more opportunity and the female child ,in terms of educational guardians and others life opportunities . Which can endanger female life into mental disorders like depression etc

WANKAN JEGO(hoton jego)

This is practice perform for a very long period of time , which women are forced to take bath very hot water up to 40 days after delivery.


it has negative effect on increasing high blood pressure And can lead to sudden bleeding which can lead to excessive bleeding and it’s life threatens.

POTASSIUM PAP ( kunun kanwa)

Also this is given after delivery with believe that it’s has positive effect on increasing breast milk 


it can increase potassium level in the blood serum leading to electrolytes imbalance 

 Now we have talk about the harmful effects of traditional practice now let’s see the positive ones

* rest for 40 days after delivery 

* eating meat after delivery for 7 days ( naman gashi)

* two times bathing to promote hygiene 


awareness raising / public enlightenment through social media, news papers creating seminars and workshops on the effect of harmful traditional effects 


the influence of culture on health in vast .it affect perception of health and illness and also death , believe about causes of disease, approaches to health promotion, how illness and pain are experience and exposure , and how patients seek for help and the type of treatment they received.

     So with you and me let’s uplift the value of women’s and prevent them from these harmful traditional effects, let’s join hand always together with RHD because it’s your answer and can speak of for you

Thanks you for support I appreciate all


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